General Information

1. What is SpringFields Library?

SpringField's Library is a library in Springfield's with unique features that makes it the right choice for you, with access to over 500 titles(and growing), spread across multiple categories(kids, fiction, technical, management, magazines). We have a great rental plans. It has been operational since July 2009. By Jan 2010 there are around 500+ books and magazine and 60+ members.

2. How many book titles do you have in your library?

We have over 500 plus titles in our library, spread across Management & Business, Children, Fiction, Sports, Films, Health, Religion, History & Current Affair, Biographies, Self-Help and and Other Non Fiction.

3. How many copies of each title do you have in your library?

We carry multiple copies of few titles in our Library, and are constantly upgrading our collection, based on your feedback, your requests, and what's hot and happening in the world of books.

4. How do I benefit from being a member?

1. You have access to a range of titles. Choose from our wide selection of books - everything from New Releases, Classics, Best Authors, and Best Sellers in various categories.

2. It's located in Springfield's campus.

3. Charges are nominal (Rs 250 per flat).


5. How much do I have to pay to join Library ?

Rs 250 per flat needs to be paid to SWA office.

Compare it with other plans such as Library Wala:

1. An introductory price of Rs.139 per month for a Cubic Plan of 3 books in a month and two books at a time. (Suitable for a Single Reader in a family)

6. How can I pay for my membership?

You can pay to SWA office and collect your membership card.


1. Once I become a member, how soon will I receive my books? And how many will I receive at a time?

Once you register with Library, you can walk to library with your membership card and start reading!

At one time you will receive 2 books and a magazine issued for10 days.

2 How often can I change books?

As often as you read. There is no limit as to how many books one can borrow.

3. How are books sent to me and when will I get them?

No Books will not be delivered. You would have to come to library to issue and return the book

4. By when do I need to return the books?

The books are issued for maximum of 10 days(unless specified otherwise: such as New magazines/books) .

5. What if I am unable to return the books on time?

If you unable to return books by 10 days then a nominal charge of Rs 2 per day(irrespective of number of books) is charged.

The late fee has to be paid to the volunteer in the library.

6. What if I want to reissue the book?

Please bring the book with you and get it reissued. Verbal statement is not enough.

7. What if I misplace the book?

If the book is misplaced then the appropriate amount will need to be paid. The amount will be decided by the Librarian.

8.How can I request for new books for library?

Please send your suggestions to the Librarian.

9. How can I volunteer?

Please get in touch with the Librarian.

10. Who looks after the library?

Library is looked after by Nidhi Dutta and the volunteers. We welcome your suggestions and feedback. Please send your feedback at: library@springfields.in or contact Nidhi Dutta (Mobile:98867-74042) resident of J 105.